About Ching Lok – 青樂幼稚園/青樂幼兒園(西灣河)

About Ching Lok


Service Objectives

There are three kindergartens under the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (“HKFYG”), namely, Ching Lok Kindergarten in Sai Wan Ho and Yau Ma Tei, and KK Cheng Kindergarten in Ngau Tau Kok. We provide early childhood education and care services for children aged 2-6.


Our Kindergarten focuses on the developmental needs of children and the quality of learning and teaching.  We aim to stimulate students’ motivation through a variety of curriculum designs, including picture book teaching, art classes and free play, so that students can learn to think, explore, experiment and discover in an encouraging environment. Under the careful guidance of our teachers, we hope that our children will enjoy learning through a diverse and enriching learning mode and develop a spirit of self-learning, self-confidence and self-discipline (the “Three Self’s Spirit”).


Service Hours

Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturday: 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. (closed on Sundays, school holidays and public holidays)


Curriculum Features

The emphasis is on the learning process and the development of an active learning attitude in the children. Our Kindergarten focuses on theme-based teaching, design activities and picture book teaching. Children learn through thinking, observing, exploring, collecting information, sharing, reporting and discussing. In addition to individual themes, elements of science and art are also included to provide children with a variety of learning opportunities. Children’s interest in reading and language learning is actively nurtured through a variety of learning activities. Our Kindergarten also emphasises home-school collaboration and encourages parental involvement to provide a positive learning and healthy environment for our children.



Ages 2-3 N1
Ages 3-4 K1
Ages 4-5 K2
Ages 5-6 K3



Monthly tuition fee of HK$3,090 and meal charge of $650, totalling $3,740 for 12 payments per year

(The above N1 tuition fee has been deducted from the Child Care Center Parent Subsidy of $1,000.)

The Parent Subsidy is not applicable to the following persons:

*Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Scheme recipients receiving a special grant that fully covers the monthly service fee of a CCC; or

*Parents receiving other government subsidies that fully cover the monthly service fee of a CCC, such as being granted full fee remission under the Kindergarten and Child Care Centre Fee Remission Scheme

Monthly tuition fee of HK$1,540 and meal charge of $432, totalling $1,972 for 12 payments per year



Our own kitchen provides freshly prepared breakfast, lunch and refreshments daily, with an emphasis on balanced nutrition.


Occasional Child Care Service (OCCS)

Occasional Child Care Service is provided for children aged 2 to 6 years old to prevent accidents caused by leaving them at home alone.

Fee: $16 per 2 hours / $32 per half day / $64 per full day (plus $6.5 for meals)


Extended Hours Service (EHS)

To help parents who need longer hours of childcare due to work, or parents who are unable to take care of their children due to unforeseen events at home, so that their children can receive proper care.

Fee: $13 per hour (less than one hour will be counted as one hour)
Service: Monday to Friday – 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.


Integrated Programme in Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centre

Referred by the Social Welfare Department (“SWD”), it provides training for children with special educational needs to help them integrate into the community and enhance their abilities in various areas.


On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Services

A multi-disciplinary service team provides on-site training for children with special educational needs attending kindergartens/kindergarten-cum-child care centres participating in On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Services. The multi-disciplinary team will also provide support services to teachers and parents/carers.


Support to Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Students

Received Grant for Support to NCS Students; appoint additional teaching staff / teaching assistants to support NCS students learning Chinese; arrange interpretation/translation services; engage NCS parent volunteers to enhance communication between school and parents; create an enriched language environment for mastery of the Chinese language; create an inclusive learning environment to facilitate students integration; facilitate professional development for teachers to develop effective strategies to help NCS students learn Chinese; participate in school-based professional support programmes organised by EDB.


Teachers’ Qualifications

Our principal has a Master’s degree in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Education, and all teachers are registered with the Education Bureau (“EDB”), some with a Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education. We employ an expatriate English teacher and a qualified Putonghua teacher to conduct English and Putonghua activities so that children can learn foreign languages in a fun way in a natural environment. 


Home-school Collaboration

We organise regular parent-teacher meetings, seminars, parent-child workshops, classroom observations, parent interview days, storytelling activities and parent tea parties to enhance the transparency of the Kindergarten, maintain close communication with parents, and build a collaborative relationship with them to create a quality learning environment for our children and promote learning effectiveness.


School-based Social Worker

The school-based social worker will organise groups, workshops and seminars for children and parents to promote whole child development and help parents acquire parenting skills. Our social worker also provides counselling, consultation and child-based play therapy services.


Outdoor Learning Activities

Different outdoor teaching activities are arranged for children according to their teaching needs, such as tours, interviews and visits to enhance their life experience and encourage them to explore and learn actively in a stimulating environment. 


Profile of Kindergartens and Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centres

Our school profile is published by the Committee on Home-School Co-operation.



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